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What’s New in 8.1 and ShortcutsPay Terminal Online Class!

Join our online class featuring one of our educators, Jonny, to find out what's new in Shortcuts 8.1 and ShortcutsPay Terminal and how it can help you transform your business by making operations smoother and easier than ever before, boosting your bookings, banishing no-shows, and cutting your to-do list in half!
July 2, 2021

What’s Coming: A New Era

As we get cosy with the idea of 2021, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. I feel that this year is going to hold so much potential for salons who have proven they can survive and thrive through whatever the world can throw at them, after the fiasco of 2020.
Jo Burgess
March 29, 2021
woman floating on body of waterBlog

Refresh, Revive, Reset: Journey to a Better You

We all love a good makeover story. The feeling of polishing something that’s past it’s prime to make it shiny and new again. We all need our Mia Thermopolis moment in the Princess Diaries when the hand-held mirrors part ways to reveal the new and improved Princess of Genovia. Ugh, an early noughties dream. We’d LOVE to have a makeover just like that on ourselves one day… 😉
Caitlin Adamson
March 23, 2021

2020 in review (P.S it wasn’t all bad!)

Ok guys, we get it… 2020 was a rubbish year. From bushfires to a global pandemic, lockdowns to protests, to wild weather and a wild ride of a US election thrown in, it was a year that was… a lot... to handle. At best. But in amongst the real-bad, we like to think there was some good.
Caitlin Adamson
December 16, 2020
You need a break! Here’s how you prep for itBlog

Prep for the busy (and storm) season!

Let’s face it, when you have a salon, spa or barber business to run you’re BUSY. With a capital B. You have a lot on your plate, juggling all the demands of your business, not to mention family, friends, and life in general. So wherever you can make your life easier, you’re going to be jumping on that opportunity, right? The simplest way to make your life easier is to (drum roll please…) automate. Seriously. Anything you can automate, just do it!
Caitlin Adamson
December 11, 2020
Automated Marketing: Keeping the Conversation Rolling This Festive SeasonBlog

Automated Marketing: Keeping the Conversation Rolling This Festive Season

Let’s face it, when you have a salon, spa or barber business to run you’re BUSY. With a capital B. You have a lot on your plate, juggling all the demands of your business, not to mention family, friends, and life in general. So wherever you can make your life easier, you’re going to be jumping on that opportunity, right? The simplest way to make your life easier is to (drum roll please…) automate. Seriously. Anything you can automate, just do it!
Caitlin Adamson
November 27, 2020
Preparing for the silly season with ShortcutsBlog

Preparing for the silly season with Shortcuts

2020 – what a year, right? With restrictions now easing in Victoria (happy dance for face-mask free treatments!) and the rest of Australia and New Zealand gearing up for the holidays, word on the street from our clients is that “every week is a Christmas week from now until the new year”. What that means for businesses is a chock-a-block appointment book, constantly crowded front desks and a roster that looks like a who’s-who of your team zoo – everyone on, all the time.
Shortcuts Software
November 17, 2020