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Get prepped for EOFY

End of financial year is upon us (oh joy), and we bet you can’t wait to get stuck into your taxes. Jk, we know you’d much rather have your fingers working through hair than flicking through receipts for your accountant, Grant.

Since it’s not everyone’s favourite time of year (except Grant’s), we wanted to make the parts where Shortcuts plays a role at least a little bit easier for you!

Perform a stocktake

With Shortcuts you can complete your ever important stocktake, to make sure your stock levels are as spick and span as possible.

We recommend performing a stocktake regularly to catch any discrepancies before they become a problem. You’ve all probably experienced the nightmare that is selling a product to a client, but your stock count is out, and that product doesn’t exist on your shelves. Breaking that news is a big ol’ nightmare!

At tax time, this is extra important so you can gain an accurate understanding of your inventory and its value.

View the stock control report

Once you’ve completed a stocktake, Shortcuts bundles all that good data up into an easy-to-read report, so you can see a full summary of your stock count and value on hand.

Our talented Shortcuts Coach, Maria, prepped a super quick video that highlights how to perform a stocktake, and view the stock control report. Have a watch and hopefully it helps you out this tax season <3

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