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Cloud Reporting vs Shortcuts Fusion


Click here for general information about the Cloud Dashboard.


  • Shortcuts Fusion: This figure is calculated based on a manual process where the user credits one or more employees for rebooking via the rebooking prompt or menu option.
  • Cloud Reporting:  In Cloud Reporting, rebookings are automatically calculated based on which employees provided a service when a new appointment (rebooking) is created on the day of a visit. The future appointment does not need to be completed/checked out in order for the employee’s rebooking count to go up; however it will no longer count if it is cancelled.
    The Shortcuts Fusion rebooking prompt is not used. This is because the manual rebooking credit system in Shortcuts Fusion can provide inconsistent results as it relies on the operator to record rebooking credits.

Trading summary

Avid Shortcuts Fusion users will notice we’ve swapped the position of the Sales and Takings sections. The Sales section appears on the left hand side in the Cloud Reporting trading summary, and will appear first on your mobile device for your convenience.

Click here for general information about the Cloud Trading Summary.

Redemptions – Gift Card Qty

  • Shortcuts Fusion: A separate gift card redemption is recorded for each customer in a group sale. For example, if a gift card is redeemed to pay for a group sale containing three customers, this counts as three card redemptions.
  • Cloud Reporting: A single gift card redemption is recorded for an overall group sale. For example, if a gift card is redeemed to pay for a group sale containing three customers, this counts as one gift card redemption.
    Cloud Reporting more accurately reflects the single redemption that occurs in Point of Sale when a gift card is used to pay for a group sale.

Statistics – Discounts

  • Shortcuts Fusion: Discretional discounts and Gift card discounts are shown as separately.
  • Cloud Reporting: Discounts includes gift card discounts, which are not shown separately. Cloud Reporting does not currently record a breakdown of discretional discounts vs gift card, membership or promotional discounts. This may be provided in the future.

Clients – No. Clients (unique)

  • Shortcuts Fusion: No. Clients displays the number of unique customers who visited the site within the date range. For example, if customer “Sam Jones” visited on three occasions between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2017, this counts as one client.
  • Cloud Reporting: No. Clients is not available in Cloud Reporting.

Clients – No. Visits

  • Shortcuts Fusion: No. Visits shows the total number of sale transactions that contain products, services or normal sundry sales. If a sale contains more refund items than sale items then it counts as a negative visit, i.e. the visit count is reduced by one. Visits counts are not consolidated by customer. For example, if there are two sale transactions for the same customer on a given day, this counts as two visits.
  • Cloud Reporting: No. Visits is calculated in a similar way to Shortcuts Fusion, except where there are multiple sale transactions for the same customer on the same day. These count as a single visit, i.e. visits counts are consolidated by customer by day. For example, if there are two sale transactions for the same customer on a given day, this counts as one visit. Cloud Reporting treats a customer’s interaction with the business as a single event for a given day, regardless of the number of appointments or sale transactions that resulted from the interaction. This delivers fairer and more accurate reporting across businesses using different internal processes. For example, some businesses might check out services separately from products. Without consolidation by customer, this would double their visit count when compared to a business that performs a single check-out operation.

Clients – No. Visits by gender or child category

  • Shortcuts Fusion: A customer is considered a child according to the “Child” option on the Age Group assigned to the customer (if specified). If this setting is ticked, the customer is moved out of a Gender category and into the Child category.
  • Cloud Reporting: A customer is considered a child according to their date of birth (if specified). If a customer is below 16 years of age, it is moved out of a Gender category and into the Child category. Cloud Reporting does not currently support age groups, given the growing reliance on date of birth being recorded for legislative and/or marketing purposes.Despite this variation, the total value of all gender categories is the same across both systems.

Clients – No. Visits value by customer status (new, returning)

  • Shortcuts Fusion: If the same customer visited multiple days within the date range, they will be considered as multiple new customers if they had not visited prior to the report date range. For example, if customer “Sam Jones” visited for the first time on Jan 2nd and then again Jan 30th, and this report was run for all of January, Sam Jones would count as two new customer visits.
  • Cloud Reporting: Cloud Reporting performs all calculations on a day-by day basis. A customer is only considered “new” on the first day that they visit. All subsequent visits for the same customer are considered returning visits. For example, if the customer “Sam Jones” visited for the first time on Jan 2nd and then again Jan 30th, and this report was run for all of January, Sam Jones would count as one new customer visit and one returning customer visit.

Employee Performance – sales amounts

  • Shortcuts Fusion: Discounted amounts are added back on for employee sales amounts if “Discounted amount counts towards employee dollars” has been enabled in the discount reason setup.
  • Cloud Reporting: The Employee Performance section of the Fusion Trading Summary has been moved out of the Cloud Trading Summary and consolidated into the Cloud Employee Performance report. Sales amounts are those after discounts have been deducted. Cloud Reporting does not currently have visibility over Shortcuts Fusion discount reason configuration, which is why the “Discounted amount counts towards employee dollars” setting is not available. This may be provided in a future release.

A general note regarding voids for Shortcuts Fusion versions lower than

Prior to Shortcuts Fusion, voids were being included incorrectly in some reports – calculations relied on the reversal (void) transaction to negate the values of the original transaction, which meant voids were behaving like refunds. This resulted in the following behaviour: 

  1. If the void occurred on a day other than that of the original sale, then the sales totals remained overstated on the original transaction date, and became understated on the date the void was performed. 
  2. Ticket, visit and client counts were overstated because they included void and voided sales. The fix now excludes both void and voided transactions from all Trading Summary calculations (except the voids statistic itself).

Employee Performance

Click here for general information about the Cloud Employee Performance report.

A general difference regarding employee $ amount fields

  • Shortcuts Fusion: Discounted amounts are added back on for employee sales amounts if “Discounted amount counts towards employee dollars” has been enabled on the discount reason setup.
  • Cloud Reporting: Sales amounts are those after discounts have been deducted. Cloud Reporting does not currently have visibility over the Shortcuts Fusion discount reason configuration, which is why the “Discounted amount counts towards employee dollars” setting is not available. This may be provided in a future release.

Services by reporting category – No. (employee figure)

  • Shortcuts Fusion: Multiple block services (e.g. a single service that contains a first block as a cut and a second block as the colour) count as only one service. For a given multi-block service, all blocks are reported as one service when performed by the same employee. For example, if Employee A performs two blocks on the same customer, the No. column will show one service only, provided both blocks belong to the same reporting category. If each block belongs to a different reporting category, the No. column will show two against both categories.
  • Cloud Reporting: Each service block of a multiple block service counts as a separate service. For example, if Employee A performs two blocks on the same customer, the No. column will show two services. If the blocks belong to different reporting categories, the No. column will show one against each category. Cloud Reporting treats each block as a service in its own right. The parent service is simply a package that brings multiple sub-services together for booking purposes. This allows each block to belong to a different reporting category without service counts being overstated. 
  • Note: Shortcuts users are normally trained to assign the same reporting categories to all blocks of a service, which means the Shortcuts Fusion and Cloud Reporting figures should align.

Services by reporting category – No. (total figure)

  • Shortcuts Fusion: For multiple block services, reporting categories are treated as though they were all assigned against the overall service. The result is that reporting category totals can be overstated, because each block is treated as belonging to reporting categories that were assigned to other blocks.
  • Cloud Reporting: Service categories are reported by individual service block. (See previous point for more information.)

Employee Productivity

(There is no exact correlating Shortcuts Fusion report for the Cloud Employee Productivity report.) Click here for general information about the Cloud Employee Productivity report.

No. of Clients (No. of Visits)

  • Note: No. of Clients actually refers to No. of Visits.
  • Shortcuts Fusion: No. Visits shows the total number of sale transactions that contain products, services or normal sundry sales. If a sale contains more refund items than sale items then it counts as a negative visit, i.e. the visit count is reduced by one. Visits counts are not consolidated by customer. For example, if there are two sale transactions for the same customer on a given day, this counts as two visits.
  • Cloud Reporting: No. Visits is calculated in a similar way to Shortcuts Fusion, except where there are multiple sale transactions for the same customer on the same day. These count as a single visit, i.e. visits counts are consolidated by customer by day. For example, if there are two sale transactions for the same customer on a given day, this counts as one visit. Cloud Reporting treats a customer’s interaction with the business as a single event for a given day, regardless of the number of appointments or sale transactions that resulted from the interaction. This delivers fairer and more accurate reporting across businesses using different internal processes. For example, some businesses might check out services separately from products. Without consolidation by customer, this would double their visit count when compared to a business that performs a single check-out operation.